Located in Spokane serving Spokane Valley and surrounding areas.


About Murphy Masonry LLC

We are a family owned business in Spokane, Washington. Established in 1972, our mission is to build and restore masonry projects ensuring the best quality and service. Our focus is in custom residential and small commercial projects. We specialize in brick, natural stone, cultured stone, flagstone, pavers and glass block. Throughout all aspects of our business honesty and integrity are paramount, for we believe that these are the cornerstones of all lasting relationships.

We are experts in full veneer brick and stone coverings, fireplace facings, outdoor kitchens and BBQs, restoration of basalt and other indigenous materials, masonry repairs, stone steps, planters, columns, gated entries, fences, patios, arched entrances, wains-coat veneers, and limestone.

Masonry has been around since ancient times and continues to be one of the most popular building methods because it is durable, strong and looks incredible. And when you decide to work with a masonry company as experienced as Murphy Masonry LLC, we guarantee that we can bring your vision—no matter how big or how small—to life. We've even made a Hobbit hole!

At Murphy Masonry LLC, our team is very proud to carry on the timeless tradition of masonry in any way our clients see fit. Our priority is to build something beautiful that matches your initial vision. To do this, we combine our professional expertise with a collaborative spirit to make sure we are all on the same page.

For a free estimate on our masonry services, give us a call today and we will be happy to discuss your ideas with you.

Benefits of Building With Murphy Masonry LLC

  • Fire-resistant. Because masonry uses non-combustible materials, you never have to worry about losing your structure to a fire.
  • Weather-resistant. Heavy storms, UV degradation and other environmental factors are no match for masonry products.
  • Pest-resistant. With no wood to eat, when you build with masonry, it is very unlikely that you will have to deal with wood-boring pests like termites.
  • No rotting, mold or fungus. Stone, brick, concrete and other masonry materials don’t rot, nor can they support the growth of molds or fungi. If you build a home or commercial building with masonry, the overall health of any occupants will be higher than if you built it with wood as rot, mold and fungus have been proven to contribute to chronic health aliments like asthma and throat infections.
  • Maintenance-free. When used in its natural form, masonry provides lasting beauty that requires considerably less maintenance than other building materials.
  • Environmentally friendly. Masonry products play a large role in ecologically responsible building methods and is recognized by government programs as a contributor to green building status. When you build something without depleting natural and limited resources like timber, you could qualify for certain tax breaks.
  • Increased resale appeal. Because masonry is so durable, sturdy and low-maintenance, there is a widely held opinion supported by studies that masonry structures offer a greater resale value than other forms of constructions. So, if you think you’ll sell your property one day, choosing to build with masonry can be insurance against depreciation.